Site Allocations DPD Submission
The Council submitted the draft Site Allocations DPD and its supporting documents as prescribed by the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government on 31 July 2019 for Independent Examination. The covering letter can be viewed below:
The core submission documents are listed below. Hard copies of the core documents are available for inspection at local libraries across the Borough, and at the Civic Offices; with the exception of original representations. Redacted copies of the original representations are available for inspection at the Civic Offices only.
The Core Submission Documents submitted to the Secretary of State included:
- Draft Site Allocations DPD (Regulation 19 version);
Draft Site Allocations DPD Proposals Map and Insets Map (Regulation 19 version);
- Schedule of Proposed Modifications in Response to Regulation 19 Consultation;
- Regulation 19 Consultation Issues and Matters Topic Paper - summary of key issues submitted with Officers' response (Section 1); and summary of individual representations received with Officers' response and recommendations (Section 2);
Electronic database of representations made at Regulation 19 consultation stage (redacted representations are available to view here, with a list of organisations here);
Copies of the original representations received at Regulation 19 consultation stage (redacted copies of which are available for inspection at the Civic Offices);
The Sustainability Appraisal Report, with separate Appendix 11 and Appendix 12, and Executive Summary (Regulation 19 versions);
- The Equality Impact Assessment;
Consultation Statement (Statement under Regulation 22(1)(c));
Statement of Compliance with the Duty to Cooperate ('Duty to Cooperate Statement')
- Self-assessment tests of soundness and legal compliance of the Site Allocations DPD.
A full list of documents submitted for Examination can be downloaded below. Please note that there is now a separate, up-to-date document list on the Examination webpage, with all of the latest reference numbers.
Further information will be available on the Site Allocations DPD Examination webpage. Please contact the Planning Policy Team with any enquiries at [email protected], or on 01483 743871.