Comment on it
Planning Policy Consultations
The list below provides information about 'live' consultations, and provides links to the comments made during closed consultations which remain relevant to the production of local development documents (including those which have recently concluded).
If you'd like to be notified about planning policy consultations, email us at [email protected] or call 01483 743871 to register your interest.
Please be aware that we cannot accept anonymous comments for any consultations, so representations will generally include your name, your organisation and/or any comments you make.
Comments about planning applications should be made separately - view and comment on planning applications online.
List of Live Consultations
SHLAA Call for Sites
The Council is seeking information for an update of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, to be carried out next year. If there is a site in Woking Borough which you would like to promote for residential development, please download a copy of the SHLAA pro-forma from our website: Please complete a separate form for each site and include a site location plan.
If you wish to promote a site that you have previously submitted to the Council then please confirm that the site is still available by emailing the Planning Policy Team or completing a new SHLAA pro-forma. As set out in the Council’s SHLAA Methodology, the SHLAA will only include sites capable of delivering 5 residential units or more.
Your participation in this exercise is very much appreciated. Your cooperation will enable a more comprehensive and accurate picture of the potential for housing development in the Borough, which assists the Council in planning for the delivery of homes to meet the needs of the community, in line with the Core Strategy.
You can either return your completed pro-forma electronically to [email protected]; or, if you are unable to submit your pro-forma electronically then you can post it to ‘The Planning Policy Team, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6YL’. Please return your form(s) to the Planning Policy Team by 19 December 2022. The Council intends to publish its updated SHLAA next year, informed by the information that you provide.
Please note that this updating exercise is an on-going activity, and it is therefore likely that the Council will contact you again in the future for up to date information. If you are no longer the correct point of contact for any sites in Woking, we would appreciate it if you could let us know and, if possible, also pass on this letter to the appropriate person. This will avoid you being contacted unnecessarily in the future. Further information, including links to previous SHLAA studies can be found on the Council’s website:
List of Closed Consultations and Links to Representations
18 May 2023 to 30 June 2023: The Council consulted on a draft revised version of the Climate Change SPD. More information can be found here.
21 November 2022 to 19 December 2022: The Council consulted on a draft revised version of the Affordable Housing Delivery SPD: the draft can be read here..
25 July 2022 to 17 October 2022: The Council consulted on on a Draft Woking Town Centre Masterplan for a period of 12 weeks. More information can be found here.
27 September 2021 - 5pm on 8 November 2021: The Council welcomed views on three draft planning documents - click on the links below to view the consultation documents and access further details:
- A Review of the Statement of Community Involvement
- A Review of the Outlook, Amenity, Privacy and Daylight SPD
- A Review of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance Strategy SPD
Responses have been taken into account, and the documents were adopted by Council on 10 February 2022.
3 September to Friday 29 October 2021: Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum Redesignation. The Council invited comments on an application submitted by the Byfleet Residents Neighbourhood Forum to be redesignated for a further five years. Full details are available on the Byfleet Neighbourhood Plan webpage.
18 September 2020 - 14 December 2020: Consultation on Proposed Main Modifications to the Site Allocations Development Plan Document. A Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications was published as part of the Independent Examination of the Site Allocations DPD. Comments were invited on the Schedule, alongside supporting documents, to be taken into account by the Inspector. Full details can be found here. The representations received are available to view on the Planning Policy Consultation Portal here. Representations are searchable by surname (if submitted by an individual) or by organisation name.
12 November 2020 - 7 January 2021: West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum (WBNF) Redesignation. The Council invited comments on the application submitted by WBNF for the re-designation as a Neighbourhood Forum for the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Area. Details can be found here.
25 September 2020 - 23 November 2020: Pyrford Neighbourhood Forum (PNF) Redesignation. The Council invited comments on the application submitted by PNF for the redesignation of the Neighbourhood Forum for the Pyrford Neighbourhood Area. Details can be found here.
14 February 2020 - 9 March 2020: Written representations invited on the Council's Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). The Council pubilshed the AMR in December 2019, following the closure of the Site Allocations DPD Examinations hearings. The Inspector welcomed written representations to be taken into consideration as part of the Examination process. The representations are available here.
10 May 2019 - 21 June 2019: Updated Outlook, Amenity, Privacy and Daylight Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). A number of changes were proposed to the SPD published in 2008 to reflect up-to-date policy, mainly of an editorial nature. These were subject to targeted consultation, which has now closed. Details can be found here.
5 November 2018 - 17 December 2018: Pre-submission Consultation ('Regulation 19' consultation) on the Draft Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). The Council invited comments on the draft Site Allocations DPD and accompanying documents before the publication version of the DPD and supporting documents were submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination. The comments received can be viewed online here, with a list of organisations and their representatives to aid your search. Full details of the outcome, including the main issues raised and Council's response, can be found on the Site Allocations DPD tab.
6 January 2017 - 27 March 2017: Consultation on safeguarding Land to the East of Martyrs Lane to meet future development needs between 2027-2040. Representations received can be viewed here, and a list of organisations and their representatives can be found here, to aid your search. In was concluded that the proposed approach to safeguarding land would not be the Council's preferred approach. Full details, including the main issues raised and the Council's response, can be found here.
June - July 2015: 'Regulation 18' Consultation on the draft Site Allocations Development Plan Document. The Council invited comments on the initial draft of the Site Allocations DPD and its associated documents in the summer of 2015. The representations received are available here, arranged in alphabetical order by the representor's surname. The full outcome of the consultation, including main issues raised and the Council's response, can be found here.