Town, District and Local Centres Study
The Town, District and Local Centres Study was published in October 2009. It was undertaken by consultants Roger Tym and Partners and provides an assessment of the vitality and viability of Woking Town Centre, and produces quantitative retail capacity forecasts for the Town Centre and West Byfleet. It meets the requirement to carry out such studies set out in PPG6.
Town, District and Local Centres Study 2009
Appendices of Town, District and Local Centres Study 2009
2004 Study
The 2009 study replaces the Retail and Commercial Leisure Study undertaken by consultants DTZ Pieda which was published in 2004.
Retail and Commercial Leisure Study 2004
Appendix 1: Household Survey: Full Tabulations
Appendix 2: Woking Borough: Demographic & Spend Profile
Appendix 3: Goad Centre Summary Reports
Appendix 4: Retail Property Demand Analysis: Woking
Appendix 5: CACI Woking Sports and Leisure: Participation Profile
Appendix 6: Retail Capacity Assessment: Base Year Assumptions - Explanatory Text
Appendix 7: Household Survey Zone Map
Appendix 8: Comparison Goods Retail Capacity Assessment: Scenario 1 `Baseline'
Appendix 9: Convenience Goods Retail Capacity Assessment: Scenario 1 `Baseline'
Appendix 10: Floorspace Statistics
Appendices 1-10 of the Retail and Commercial Leisure Study 2004