Equalities Impact Assessment
The Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) has been prepared by the Council as part of the Evidence Base to inform the Core Strategy.
On 1st October 2010 the Equality Act came into force, simplifying previous equality laws.
The EIA has a section on the Local Development Framework and Core Strategy. There is a chapter assessing the 24 Core Strategy policies to ensure they are not negatively discriminating against any particular sector of the community.
There are recommendations for the future development of the Core Strategy and other Local Development Documents.
The study concludes that the majority of the policies in the Core Strategy are likely to have a beneficial impact on various community groups across the Borough. There are some policies that may appear to favour or target certain groups; explanation for this comes from the Core Strategy Evidence Base.
The EIA was completed in November 2011 and can be viewed on the link.
If you have any questions on the content of the EIA please ring the Planning Policy Team on 01483 743871.