Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Plan
Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum Designation and Neighbourhood Area
The Council has approved the designation of the Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Area at its meeting on 25 July 2019. See here for the decision letter. This followed a six week consultation period in February and March 2019, which received representations from 116 individuals. Further detail of this consultation can be found below.
The relevant designation information is set out below:
- Name of the Neighbourhood Area: Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Area;
- Map of Neighbourhood Area: Map
- Relevant body: Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum.
- Copy of the written constitution of the Neighbourhood Forum: See here
- Contact details for at least one member of the Neighbourhood Forum: Mr Robert Shatwell, email address chair@hoevalleynf.org.uk
A link to the Forum website can be found here.
Following the consultation period, in late March 2019 the Council sent a letter to the Hoe Valley Ward residents stating that the Hoe Valley Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Area designation would not be considered at the 4 April 2019 Council Meeting. See here for the letter. A follow-up letter was sent to notify residents that the application would be considered on 25 July 2019. See here for the letter. This has now been considered and approved by the Council on 25 July 2019, as above.
The consultation period ran between between 4 February 2019 and 18 March 2019 (by 5pm) and is now closed. Copies of the application are available for inspection, for reference purposes, at the following venues:
Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, GU21 6YL. Monday to Friday 9am 4.45 pm;
Woking library. Please see http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/ for address and opening times.
Woking Leisure Centre. Please see https://www.freedom-leisure.co.uk/centres/woking-leisure-centre/ for opening times and address.
For any further clarification, please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01483 743871 or e-mail planning.policy@woking.gov.uk.