Woking Borough Council

West Byfleet Neighbourhood Plan

Latest News: Forum Redesignation Application Approved

A consultation on the redesignation of West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum, to allow it to carry out Neighbourhood Planning activities for another five years, was held from 12 November 2020 to 7 January 2021. At a Council meeting on 11 February 2021, the Council approved the redesignation of the Forum for a further five years from 11 February 2021. The application for redesignation can be viewed via this link.

West Byfleet Neighbourhood Plan Adoption

The Council has made the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Plan part of the Development Plan for the purposes of managing development in the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Area. This follows the positive outcome of the referendum held on 5 October 2017. This decision is effective from 7 December 2017.

The West Byfleet Neighbourhood Plan, Decision Statement (as required by the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations) and other key documents are available below: 


Woking Borough Council agreed at its meeting on 27 March 2014 to designate the area shown on the map below as the 'West Byfleet Neighbourhood Area' for the purposes of preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan by West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum, under Section 61G(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). The Neighbourhood Area is not designated as a business area under Section 61H(1) of the Act as it is not primarily or wholly business in nature. The Council also agreed to designate the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum for the purposes of preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan for this area.

The relevant designation information is set out below:

  1. Name of the Neighbourhood Area: West Byfleet Neighbourhood Area
  2. Map of the Neighbourhood Area: Map
  3. Relevant body: West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum
  4. Copy of the written constitution of the Neighbourhood Forum: see here
  5. Contact details for a member of the Neighbourhood Forum: Mr Wade Pollard (Chair) (http://wbnf.org/contact/).

A link to the Forum website can be found here.

On 2nd September 2016, Woking Borough Council issued a Screening Report in response to a Screening Opinion request from the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum dated 1st August 2016. The following Screening Report provides a detailed assessment for the need to carry out a Strategic Environmental Assessment, Habitat Regulations Assessment, and Environmental Impact Assessment on the emerging neighbourhoold plan. In forming its determinations, the Council consulted the three statutory consultation bodies designated in the Regulations (Historic England, Environment Agency and Natural England) on whether an environmental assessment is required.

Following an examination of the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Development Plan, the Council received the Inspector's Report on the 18 May 2017.

Following receipt of the Inspector's Report, Woking Borough Council and the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum agreed modifications to the Neighbourhood Plan in accordance with the Inspector's recommendations.

A local referendum was held on Thursday 5 October 2017. The majority of those that voted agreed that the neighbourhood plan should be adopted by the Council.