Design Supplementary Planning Document
Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Supplementary Planning Document for Design was adopted by the Council on 12 February 2015, and is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. It provides detailed guidance to ensure that future development in the borough is of the highest design standards. The document provides guidance on a number of topics including tall buildings, town centre development, household extensions and shop front design.
The Design SPD provides detailed guidance for the application of Policy CS21: Design of the Core Strategy. It explains what developers need to do to meet the requirements of the policy. It is therefore an important document to help deliver the spatial vision and objectives of the Core Strategy, particularly in terms of ensuring development is of a high design quality, responds to its local context and complies with urban design principles.
You can view the draft SPD by:
- Downloading an electronic copy of the document here;
- Requesting a paper copy of the document (a charge will be applicable) by emailed: [email protected]; or
- Visiting Civic Offices or the borough's libraries, where the document will be available from Friday 20 February 2015 during usual opening hours.
If you have any questions on the Design SPD please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Policy Team on 01483 743871 or [email protected].