Hot Food Takeaway SPD
The Supplementary Planning Document for Hot Food Takeaways was adopted by the Council on 23 October 2014, and is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. It provides detailed guidance to ensure that future Hot Food Takeaway development is of the highest design standards, does not create significant harm to neighbouring properties and does not lead to an over proliferation of Hot Food Takeaway outlets in the borough's retail centres and parades.
You can view the SPD by:
- Downloading an electronic copy of the document here; or
- Requesting a paper copy of the document (a charge may be applicable) by emailing: [email protected]
Between 27 March 2014 and 8 May 2014 the Council consulted on a draft version of the SPD. A Consultation Statement has been produced which reports on the methods uses for consultation, a summary of the comments received and a schedule of modifications made as a result of the consultation. A copy of the Consultation Statement is available to download here. A paper copy can be provided on request to the Planning Policy Team at the contact details below.
We have also published the following supporting documents:
- Consultation Statement
- Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Statement; and
- Adoption Statement
If you have any questions on the Hot Food Takeaway SPD then please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01483 743871 or [email protected].